Lappeenranta: Looking for work in Finland, TEK Lounge 30.3. at 9.00-12.30


Lappeenranta: Looking for work in Finland, TEK Lounge 30.3. at 9.00-12.30

This is part 1 of two lectures on how to find and apply for a job, where to find jobs in Finland and how to prepare for an interview. The next one, part 2, will focus on the job application documents.

Daniel Valtakari from Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland, TEK, will discuss on these topics. Daniel will provide useful tips on how to succeed in finding jobs in Finland and how to perform better in job interviews. The discussion will include an exchange of best practices.

The lecture is open to everyone working at LUT, but is especially targeted to international staff members and their spouses and partners who are looking for a job in Finland or are just curious about the topic.  Please pass on the information of this lecture to your spouses and partners. The lecture is also open for Master’s and Doctoral degree students. Welcome!